Saturday, November 2, 2013

Review: Smile House Cafe - San Francico

Wow; this place Sucks. I did not mistype that capital "s". I usually try a restaurant a few times just to make sure it wasn't an off day before I judge; but hey, it was the first time I shook from rage at a restaurant so I guess it's okay to write a review.

The wait was ridonkulous. An ice cream parfait should take five minutes to make. Not sure why scooping some ice cream into a tall cup with some fruit took them an hour. I thought that was pretty weird. And when the waitress finally bought my parfait out:

"Uhm, I didn't order this. I ordered the Mango (some flower thing) Parfait."

"This is the Mango parfait."

"Isn't this the Mango Madness?"

"No. The Mango Madness isn't a parfait. This is the the Mango parfait."

"But isn't there supposed to be (some flower thing) in it?"

"This is the parfait. The other one isn't a parfait."

Unless I'm going crazy (and maybe I was since I obviously don't know better), I'm pretty sure it looked exactly like the Mango Madness that my friend ordered and consumed 20 minutes prior. I gave up arguing because I really did not want to sit another hour there for them to scoop some more ice cream in a new cup.

Also I am absolutely certain the wait staff had more important things to do than check up on us or refill our tea in the 2 hours we were there. Not sure what it was considering there were four of them and they didn't look like they were helping out the kitchen.

I try to not be a shitty customer because I have to deal with shitty, entitled customers all day and I know dealing with shitty people sucks. But the service at Smile was pretty horrendous and superbly slow.

Oh wait, I forgot that one thing came out quick: the check. That was a shocker.

******** TL;DR version **********

Warning: Long wait for food. Shitty service. Go at own risk.

Not good for: people who have a wait threshold for food, impatient people, people who value decent service, nice people

Good for: People who enjoy waiting 1+ hours for food, people who like complaining about service and wait, people who like to slowly test their patience.

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